Wednesday, June 01, 2011


I have been knitting ye old stocking stitch style lately, with some amazing cotton yarn! It is so soft and really nice to knit with. It is from Lincraft . And is quite cheap too. Mine is a sort of wheat color. I really want to learn how to make that kitty jumper for my little fluff ball cat! It is so so great!

I also want some new knitting needles, at the moment I am using bamboo ones, but would like to move onto aluminium or steel, although my friend Clara will warn me of the physical dangers of steel knitting needles! If you have a spare few moments read through this to hear about Clara's 'skewer-age incident'. The dangers of crafting! Touch wood, as I am yet to have one myself!

On another not, how great is the song that plays when you read my blog? It is an auto-tune-acapella cover of The Vines-Get Free, by emerging Melbourne band See Hear Say. I can't stop listening to them!
Now, I'm off to shop for a dinner date tonight at our place, groceries ahoy!


  1. Oh my!!! I nearly squealed outloud when I saw your cat in a vest - unbelievably cute.

  2. It is not my cat! I wish it was! And I wish I was that great at knitting! If you click on the link "kitty jumper" it takes you to where I got the photo from!

  3. No, no steel are good! But Rosewood are THE BEST! :) xx
